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“Overprotected by Wealth: The Hidden Toll on India’s Affluent Kids”

In today’s rapidly evolving world, young generation in India is grappling with challenges that were never thought for previous generations. One of the most pressing issues is the mental health crisis that remains largely unseen and unspoken. This generation is increasingly afflicted by anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation. It is also under severe pressure of academic demands, societal obligations, and a relentless pace of life.

Jonathan Haidt, a renowned American social psychologist, and author, says, “What you find is that they (Generation Z) have extraordinarily high rates of anxiety, depression, self-harm, suicides and fragility.” There has “never been a generation this depressed, anxious and fragile.” He called it the “national crisis of Gen Z.” Mental health problems are worsening if we see the statistics relating to the younger generation, especially in India. One student commits suicide in India every hour, with an average of 28 such suicides being reported daily, per data gathered by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).

The Role of Overprotective Parenting

A significant factor contributing to this crisis is the overprotective nature of many Indian parents. These parents often prioritize their ambitions and desires for their children, neglecting to equip them with the life skills necessary for mental and emotional resilience. By shielding their children from life’s difficulties and managing their lives excessively, they fail to nurture the mental toughness needed to face emerging challenges.

The Impact of Overprotection

This approach leads to a lack of focus on developing essential coping mechanisms and mental fitness in children. As a result, when young people encounter the inevitable stresses and obstacles of life, they are often ill-prepared to handle them. Without the ability to cope effectively, they become vulnerable to the rising tide of mental health issues.

The Infamous ‘Pune Porsche’ Incident

In May 2024, a teenager in Pune, allegedly under the influence, caused a fatal accident while driving a Porsche. This incident, involving the deaths of two IT professionals, attracted national attention. The boy’s father, a real estate developer, was arrested for allegedly tampering with evidence to avoid a DUI charge.

This tragic event sparked a debate about the dangers of overprotective parenting among India’s wealthy. The case underscores how such behavior can cultivate a lack of accountability and entitlement in children. It also highlights the necessity of applying the law impartially, irrespective of socioeconomic status.

Lessons from the Pune Porsche Case

  1. For Parents:
    1. Set Boundaries and Enforce Accountability: Overprotective and affluent parents often fail to instil a sense of responsibility in their children. Clear boundaries and accountability are crucial in preventing such events.
    1. Prioritize Values Over Materialism: Excessive wealth and entitlement can lead to significant pitfalls. Parents should focus on instilling values and empathy rather than prioritizing material possessions.
  2. For the Justice System:
    1. Ensure Equal Treatment Under the Law: This case highlights the importance of a justice system that treats everyone equally, regardless of wealth. Public outrage over attempts to manipulate the investigation underscores the need for fair law enforcement.
    1. Balance Punishment and Rehabilitation for Juveniles: While the juvenile’s actions warrant consequences, the Juvenile Justice Act emphasizes rehabilitation. Balancing punishment with restorative justice is essential for minors involved in criminal activities.

Overprotection in Affluent Families

Wealthy Indian parents often equate love with protection from life’s harsh realities and meeting their children need. However, this can lead to excessive control as well as overprotection. It may in turn be stifling their children’s ability to navigate challenges independently. From constant monitoring to making decisions for their children, this category of parents create environments that shield their kids from discomfort or failure.

Consequences of Overindulgence

Affluent parents frequently indulge their children with the latest mobile, gadgets, expensive clothing, or even luxurious cars. This may arise from a desire to compensate for their own weaknesses or to express love through material things. However, such overindulgence can foster a sense of entitlement and diminish appreciation for hard work and perseverance.

Over-possessive Love and Its Impact

Parental love, when over-possessive, can suffocate a child’s growth and independence. Wealthy parents often equate constant supervision and intervention with care, preventing their children from making mistakes and learning from them. This excessive involvement can leave children feeling suffocated and unable to develop self-reliance.

Compensating for Absence with Gifts

Many wealthy parents, pressured by high-status lifestyles, compensate for their lack of presence with lavish gifts. This material compensation rarely addresses the child’s emotional needs and often exacerbates feelings of disconnection and loneliness.

Mental and Emotional Toll on Children

Children in such environments frequently face mental and emotional challenges. The relentless pressure to meet their parents’ expectations and the absence of opportunities to develop resilience has led to high levels of stress and anxiety. These children may also exhibit bullying or violent behavior as they struggle to cope with frustrations in their sheltered lives.

The Pune incident tragically illustrates the consequences of unchecked privilege and a lack of accountability. It emphasizes the need for balanced parenting, where love and protection do not overshadow the importance of discipline and responsibility.

Creating a Balanced Environment

To ensure a healthier upbringing, affluent parents must balance providing for their children’s needs with fostering independence. This involves setting clear boundaries, allowing children to experience and learn from failure, and prioritizing effort and personal growth over material success.

Parents should focus on being emotionally present and engaging with their children. Prioritizing quality time and open communication over lavish gifts helps children develop the emotional resilience and self-confidence needed to navigate life’s challenges effectively.


Overprotection and overindulgence among wealthy Indian parents are creating a generation of children ill-equipped to handle stress and adversity. While the desire to provide the best for one’s children is natural, true love and care involve preparing them for life’s realities. The Pune Porsche incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of unchecked privilege and underscores the importance of fostering a balanced and nurturing environment for the next generation.