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Ditch the Pills! Powerful Ways to Manage Chronic Pain Naturally 

At any given point of time, chronic pain affects millions of people worldwide. It can sometime be difficult to manage, so can impact daily life. Chronic pain, defined as pain lasting beyond three months, is a far greater challenge than most realize. It can be constant or flare up unpredictably, affecting any part of the …

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Live Long and Prosper: Secrets to Positivity and Longevity

Everyone wants to live a long and happy life. But how do we achieve that? The secrets to positivity and longevity are simpler than you might think. Recent studies suggest a link between a positive outlook and a longer life. Research shows optimists tend to have better health behaviours, like exercising more and eating healthier. …

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“Finding Joy and Calmness in an Over Stimulated World”

In today’s fast-paced, technologically driven world, we are living in an era of constant overstimulation and distraction. The omnipresence of mobiles, social media, and the internet has fundamentally changed the way we process information and interact with our environment. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, nearly half of all adults’ report feeling …

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“Overprotected by Wealth: The Hidden Toll on India’s Affluent Kids”

In today’s rapidly evolving world, young generation in India is grappling with challenges that were never thought for previous generations. One of the most pressing issues is the mental health crisis that remains largely unseen and unspoken. This generation is increasingly afflicted by anxiety, depression, and feelings of isolation. It is also under severe pressure …

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“Why Solitude is the New Superpower in Our Busy Lives”

Why We Struggle to Be Alone Blaise Pascal, a French philosopher, and mathematician, famously stated, “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” Despite being nearly 350 years old, this insight remains strikingly relevant in our modern world. Today, the struggle to be alone has become more pronounced …

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“Fight Less, Love More: How to Resolve Marital Conflicts“

The Role of Counselling and Therapy in Resolving Marital in Marital and Relationship Issues. Are constant arguments and misunderstandings spoiling your married life? Is toxic relationship destroying peace and harmony of your family? You are not alone. Many couples struggle with toxic and hostile relationships. Many of these conflicts eventually end up in divorce or …

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Taming Your Inner Critic: How to Silence Self-Doubt and Embrace Self-Compassion

We all know the experience of ‘silently’ talking to ourselves. When we do some silly thing, forget something important, or speak intendedly, inappropriately, and mistakenly, we may follow up with harsh self-criticism. This phenomenon is known as the “inner voice,” a subject, psychologists have studied for a long time. For some, this voice is occasional; …

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“Feeling Overwhelmed? You are Not Alone. Beat Anxiety Now”

(Proven Strategies for Stressful & Anxious Times) In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become common companions for many of us. The pressures of modern life, whether from demanding jobs, social obligations, or personal challenges, contribute to an increasingly stressful environment. This constant state of stress can take a significant toll on our mental …

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