Disclaimer Policy
Mind Therapy is a portal that intends to provide different services for mental wellbeing and various mental health conditions, based on the approach of holistic healing. We are trying to co-ordinate with various service providers to extend their services either on payment or free of cost to clients. The content developed here in pursuance of broad objective is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical consultation, diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, reliance on any information at the Mind Therapy portal is solely at the risk of user/client and this disclaimer governs their use of this website.
The mental health assessment test has been prepared on the basis of standard formats available in the public domain. The format is only indicative and gives a broad indication of client’s mental condition. Thus, users should not act or refrain from acting because of the information based on this website without first seeking appropriate medical or professional advice from someone who is familiar with your medical or mental health condition.
The website that provides services of different kinds to clients is a value based digital platform where qualified counsellors, therapists, other practitioners and experts are required to provide services purely on the basis of professional ethics. Even then, the clients are advised against relying solely on, or make decisions purely based on the advice provided by any of our empanelled service provider. The Mind Therapy is no way responsible for any action or inaction of any service provider directly or indirectly. The clients may understand and agree that although a counsellor/therapist available here are qualified clinical or counselling psychologists or other mental health professionals, the Mind Therapy portal disclaims any liability for any of their consultations and therapy services tendered by a counsellor/therapist to clients or for any other practices like yoga, meditation or breathing exercises.
The clients may further acknowledge and agree that they take full responsibility for the decision to access an expert through this website and to continue to interact with such professional and the role of the website is strictly inclined to providing access to such counsellor/therapist or practitioner to them.
The Mind Therapy is not a part of any counselling or therapy session because only the empanelled counsellors or therapists are qualified to do so and also thereby ensuring the client’s privacy and confidentiality.
This website is neither a helpline platform nor does it directly provide psychiatric treatment to clients suspecting to have any serious mental health conditions including those having suicidal or destructive tendencies. Such clients are advised to directly approach any other centre, clinic, hospital or other institutions that are meant to treat such cases.
It’s reiterated that the clients are not entering into any type of agreement with the Mind Therapy with the use of this website. Thus, the Mind therapy will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this website, its programs, services, webinar or workshops.
By using the Mind Therapy portal, you hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its terms.