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The Mind Therapy

Sharper Mind, Sharper Years: Protecting Your Brain as You Age

(Prevention and Management of Alzheimer and Dementia) These are two of the most prevalent health conditions affecting the elderly, causing significant concern among individuals and families alike. Dementia is an umbrella term for a set of symptoms that significantly impair memory, reasoning, and social abilities. These symptoms interfere with their daily life. On the other …

Sharper Mind, Sharper Years: Protecting Your Brain as You Age Read More »

Getting Disconnected in a Hyperconnected World

(How Social Isolation Leads to Loneliness and Mental Health Issues) Introduction In today’s digital age, we are constantly bombarded with messages, notifications, and images. It is an ‘information overload’ age. Social media platforms promise instant connections and belonging, yet a puzzling paradox emerges. Despite being hyperconnected, many people report feeling increasingly isolated and lonely. We …

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Beyond Loneliness: The Ultimate Guide to Finding Joy in Solitude

(You can unlock the power of being alone by enjoying the solitude) Introduction Introduction Many of us love to keep ourselves busy, often to the detriment of our health. For some, busyness is unavoidable because it is tied to their livelihood, especially for those who are economically disadvantaged. For others, being busy is a sign …

Beyond Loneliness: The Ultimate Guide to Finding Joy in Solitude Read More »

Teach Your Children How to Face World’s Emerging Challenges

(Indian Parents must nurture their children to be mentally tough and resilient so as to face life’s challenges) Introduction Indian parents often exhibit a high level of protectiveness and prioritize their own aspirations and desires for their children. This approach can result in a lack of focus on teaching life’s essential skills that foster mental …

Teach Your Children How to Face World’s Emerging Challenges Read More »

“How to Cope When Life Gets Tough” – Practical Tips for Overcoming Challenges”

Life’s impermanence guarantees uncertainty. Just like the seasons change, so do our circumstances. Challenges and tough times are inevitable bumps on the road. Life’s journey can’t be stable and smooth for long; we encounter ups and downs. Sometimes, bad things are bound to happen. They are inescapable. That is why we all witness tragedies, traumas, …

“How to Cope When Life Gets Tough” – Practical Tips for Overcoming Challenges” Read More »

Why Indian students kill themselves more than ever before?

The Alarming Rise in Suicide Rates among Indian Students: A Closer Look It is a tragic reality that suicides occur significantly more often than murders in India. Is it not surprising? People are killing themselves more often than they are being killed by others. Here are some statistics confirming this trend: This phenomenon isn’t unique …

Why Indian students kill themselves more than ever before? Read More »

Is India progressing holistically? Sadly, it’s not.

Witnessing A Decline of Subjective Wellbeing in Our Progressing Society In today’s fast-paced world, we are witnessing significant advancements in technology, healthcare, and education. However, ironically, as society progresses, the subjective wellbeing of many individuals seems to be declining. We are gradually realizing that all is not well with our overall subjective wellbeing. On many …

Is India progressing holistically? Sadly, it’s not. Read More »

“Trapped in a Cycle? Break Free from Eating Disorders”

Understanding Eating Disorders: Mental Health Implications and Recovery Strategies Eating disorders are complex mental health conditions that affect millions of people worldwide. They involve serious disturbances in eating behaviours, such as extreme reductions in food intake or severe overeating, as well as distressing thoughts and emotions related to food and body image. According to National …

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